Make the most of this day!

I have been given the gift of a second chance. I must remind myself of this on a daily basis, especially in times of trouble or when I’m feeling low. Do not squander this day!

SoL please grant that I may get out of my own head and out of my own way today. May my thoughts not be consumed by pointless debate and distractions that divert me and my actions from your work through me. May I maintain my focus on what is important so that I make progress today and keep moving ever forward.

Alcoholism has effected my life and the lives of those around me immeasurably; and while it doesn’t solely define me; it’s a part of me I can NEVER afford to forget as things get better and I develop into the new person I am becoming every day. I must always be on the lookout for old behavior patterns and attitudes from my former self trying to raise their ugly heads and address them before they take foothold. I owe this to myself and to those I love.

AA Daily Reflections

24-Hours a Day – Daily Reflection